"代托納比奇"主校區(Daytona Beach Campus)
校長: "托馬斯·康諾利"博士(Dr. Thomas Connolly)
- 文理學院 (College of Arts and Sciences)
- 人為因素及系統學系(Human Factors and Systems Department)
- 人文∕社會科學學系(Humanities/Social Sciences Department)
- 數學系(Department of Mathematics)
- 物理科學學系(Physical Sciences Department)
- 陸軍預備役軍官訓練營(Army ROTC)
- 空軍預備役軍官訓練營(Air Force ROTC)
- 海軍預備役軍官訓練營(Naval ROTC)
- 航空學院 (College of Aviation)
- 航空科學學系(Aeronautical Science Department)
- 應用航空科學學系(Applied Aviation Sciences Department)
- 航空維修科學學系(Aviation Maintenance Science Department)
- 飛行學系(Flight Department)
- 商學院 (College of Business)
- 經濟、財務及風險管理學系(Department of Economics, Finance, and Risk Management)
- 市場、策略、行銷及管理學系(Department of Management, Marketing, Strategy, and Operations)
- 工程學院 (College of Engineering)
- 航空/航天工程學系(Aerospace Engineering Department)
- 電子、電腦、軟件及系統工程學系(Electric Computer Software and System Engineering Department)
- 初等工程學系(Freshman Engineering Department)
- 機械及工程科學學系(Mechanical and Engineering Sciences Department)
- 土木工程學系(Civil Engineering Department)
"普雷斯科特"分校(Prescott Campus)
校長: "諾弗爾·F·波爾"博士(Dr. Norval F. Pohl)
- 文理學院 (College of Arts and Sciences)
- 全球研究學系(Department of Global Studies)
- 人文及傳播學系(Department of Humanities and Communications)
- 數學及電腦科學學系(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
- 物理學系(Department of Physics)
- 陸軍預備役軍官訓練營(Army ROTC)
- 空軍預備役軍官訓練營(Air Force ROTC)
- 航空學院 (College of Aviation)
- 航空科學學系(Aviation Sciences Department)
- 氣象學系(Meteorology Department)
- 安全科學學系(Safety Science Department)
- 飛行學系(Flight Department)
- 工程學院 (College of Engineering)
- 航空/航天及機械工程學系(Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department)
- 電機∕電腦工程學系(Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering Department)