發布日期:2022-05-04 15:18 訪問次數:
"代托納比奇"主校區(Daytona Beach Campus)
校長: "托馬斯·康諾利"博士(Dr. Thomas Connolly)
文理學院 (College of Arts and Sciences)
人為因素及系統學系(Human Factors and Systems Department)
人文∕社會科學學系(Humanities/Social Sciences Department)
數學系(Department of Mathematics)
物理科學學系(Physical Sciences Department)
陸軍預備役軍官訓練營(Army ROTC)
空軍預備役軍官訓練營(Air Force ROTC)
海軍預備役軍官訓練營(Naval ROTC)
航空學院 (College of Aviation)
航空科學學系(Aeronautical Science Department)
應用航空科學學系(Applied Aviation Sciences Department)
航空維修科學學系(Aviation Maintenance Science Department)
飛行學系(Flight Department)
商學院 (College of Business)
經濟、財務及風險管理學系(Department of Economics, Finance, and Risk Management)
市場、策略、行銷及管理學系(Department of Management, Marketing, Strategy, and Operations)
工程學院 (College of Engineering)
航空/航天工程學系(Aerospace Engineering Department)
電子、電腦、軟件及系統工程學系(Electric Computer Software and System Engineering Department)
初等工程學系(Freshman Engineering Department)
機械及工程科學學系(Mechanical and Engineering Sciences Department)
土木工程學系(Civil Engineering Department)
"普雷斯科特"分校(Prescott Campus)
校長: "諾弗爾·F·波爾"博士(Dr. Norval F. Pohl)
文理學院 (College of Arts and Sciences)
全球研究學系(Department of Global Studies)
人文及傳播學系(Department of Humanities and Communications)
數學及電腦科學學系(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
物理學系(Department of Physics)
陸軍預備役軍官訓練營(Army ROTC)
空軍預備役軍官訓練營(Air Force ROTC)
航空學院 (College of Aviation)
航空科學學系(Aviation Sciences Department)
氣象學系(Meteorology Department)
安全科學學系(Safety Science Department)
飛行學系(Flight Department)
工程學院 (College of Engineering)
航空/航天及機械工程學系(Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department)
電機∕電腦工程學系(Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering Department)